Thoughts on Snowline SGD, Cassiar Gold GLDC, Headwater Gold HWG, District Metals DMX, Magna Mining NICU & FireFox Gold FFOX


0:00 Snowline Gold 20:55 Cassiar Gold 22:40 Headwater Gold 22:57 District Metals 25:11 Magna Mining 27:55 FireFox Gold

3 thoughts on “THH – Thoughts on SGD, GLDC, HWG, DMX, NICU & FFOX

  1. phil morris says:

    Enjoy your vacation, you sure have earned it regardless of future developments. SGD is certainly amazing. Thanks.

  2. Ryan says:

    any thoughts on Labrador Gold – I just loaded up the boat at $0.30. Using the Kenorland study (super helpful by the way – thanks so much for sharing), LAB has found 2 discovery holes suggestive of 2 different areas with 2mm ounces (Big Vein and HTC). In the maiden campaign Big Vein 25m at 2.86gpt for GT of 71.5 and HTC hit 19m at 6.07gpt for GT of 115.33. Almost every hole has also hit mineralization. Feels like this one’s selling has been way over done if it has at least 4mm ounces of gold.

  3. Ryan says:

    The Firefox hole hitting 13.9m at 14.39gpt (199GT) is certainly outstanding. Be very interested to see the next assays around this area. They really haven’t drilled very deep either. I don’t own the stock, but will look to buy here shortly.

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